Friday, August 2, 2019

Container Candle Garden Torches

I wanted a couple of torch-style stakes that could hold the container candles I make to enjoy them in the yard. I did an online search, and wasn't able to turn up any products like what I was looking for- there are a handful I found that accommodate tea lights, but not larger container candles. I decided to try to make my own.
I found some metal holders at the craft store with ugly beaded handles, but they were the right size.
Who thought these weird bead handles were a good idea? Yuck
There were only two left- one had no glass, and the other had a cracked glass insert, so the store manager sold them to me for a deep discount of $8 for the pair. It took muscle with a pliers and rubber mallet, but I was able to twist off the ugly handles and file down the remaining sharp welding ridge.
Handles removed, ready for painting
On a trip to the hardware store, I bought metal floor flanges for 1/2" pipe and two black threaded 48" long half-inch pipe for a total of $32. Next I spray painted each black, and glued the flanges to the bottoms.
Flanges glued on, second coat of paint
After a second coat of paint dried, I screwed the black pipes into the flanges and they were ready.

In action