Monday, February 25, 2019

How to Make the Best Grilled Sandwich

We love grilled sandwiches, and I've improved my technique over time. Here are my steps for making a great grilled sandwich- our favorites are grilled cheese, grilled ham or salami with cheese, or grilled PB and J. The grilling step goes quickly, so start by getting all of your ingredients out and ready (cheese sliced, etc.). We have a George Foreman grill, but I almost always use our trusty cast iron pan- it's much faster to use and to clean. Set your flame to medium-low. Start by warming your bread slightly in the pan, about 30 seconds per side.
Bread warming

Next, swipe mayo on one side of each slice of bread. This is one of the best improvements we've made- I used butter for a long time, but it was hard to spread evenly and didn't crisp up like mayo does. If you haven't tried this, you really should.
Mayo added
Place the bread, mayo-side down, in the pan and immediately top with your cheese. You can use what you have on hand, I generally use at least one slice of American cheese for its melting qualities and then some better cheese, such as block cheddar that I've sliced.
Put a lid on so the cheese will start to soften. Watch that your burner isn't on too high, or your bread will burn.
Once your cheese softens just a bit, add any meat you intend to and close the two pieces of bread together. Continue to cook until the cheese is gooey and the bread is a dark toasty brown.
It's not necessary, but sometimes I will use a bacon press to make more of a panini-style sandwich.
Good color- time to serve
Serve with a good dill pickle and brown mustard. Yum.
This sandwich has some leftover turkey in it, too

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