Wednesday, March 10, 2021


 I resisted buying these tins for a long time, then I gave up the struggle. Madeleines are just so cute.

Lemon madeleines

This recipe is from our friend Dawn- I don't know which book it's from, but as you can see, it's well-loved.

Baked a batch at the family cabin
You can also make savory madeleines. We enjoyed this recipe  so much we ate them before I could snap a picture.

I tried this recipe, adding some cardamom, and while they had a good flavor, they were a bit too cakey, never really browned and overflowed a bit.

I made these cornbread madeleines- even a half-recipe made 24 in my pans. They were a bit dry- it might be better to stick with actual cornbread.
Note to self- hand wash the pans. They got a few rust spots when I tried the dishwasher.

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