Saturday, November 23, 2019

Using a Pie Bird

I wondered if using a pie bird was worth it. I bought a ceramic one online for under $6 and used it for a double-crust apple pie. My fruit pies usually bubble over at least some, and in the past I've put a cookie sheet under them to catch spills. A pie cookbook I use recommends not putting a baking pie directly on a cookie sheet, since it impedes the browning of the bottom crust, I've read that a pie bird vents steam and helps prevent leaks and spills.

You place the bird on the center of your bottom crust
Then put in your filling. I like to use a lot of filling- my mom always says "don't make skimpy pie."
Cut a slit in the center of your top crust, and lay it on the pie, working the pie bird's head through the crust. Here I've brushed the top crust with a little milk and cinnamon sugar

I start baking with the little covers to protect the rim, taking them off part way through

The results? A wonderfully crisp top crust, and NO spillovers! My edges did sag a bit- I have more pie skills I can work on.
When you cut the pie, just lift the bird out.
Delicious!! I will definitely use the pie bird again.

June 2020
Blueberry rhubarb pie.. Whole beaten egg as pie wash before baking.

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