Sunday, September 20, 2020

Apple "Hand Pie" Galettes

 I baked something like this several years ago (copied from something we'd seen in a restaurant display). Andy loved and continues to talk about them, but I don't really know how I made them. So, this time I'm going to write it down. 

I wanted a 1.5 recipe of pie pastry to make 4 generous galettes. You'll know from other posts that making pie pastry is not my true love, but occasionally I relent. I calculated 1.5Xs volume from my trusty Better Homes and Gardens cookbook:

1 3/4 c , plus 2 Tbsp flour

3/8 tsp salt

1/3 c plus 3 Tbsp shortening (you can use part butter, I opted to keep this simple)

6-7.5 Tbsp cold water

Follow the pastry drill. It was really dry, so I kept adding water, and then it was a bit too wet. Stupid pastry- this is one reason I don't like making it. I chilled it overnight.

Next day, I divided into four, and rolled each portion out. 

I topped with apple filling, then folded and pleated the crust over the top. The pleats didn't want to stick much. I baked at 375 for 45 min.

Filling (adapted from BHG cookbook)

4-5 C peeled sliced apples (I had a bit more as a result of going wild with the peeler)

1/2 c brown sugar (or less- depends on amount of apples)

2 Tbsp white sugar

2 Tbsp flour

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1/8 tsp nutmeg

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