Saturday, September 11, 2021

Entering Creative Activities at the MN State Fair

It's been since 2013 since I've entered a creative activity at the MN State Fair. They usually have 2-3 consecutive days for drop off, and just two designated days after the fair, and if you can't make both of these dates, it won't work. 

In 2013, I won a first place (blue) ribbon for the wool strip rug hooking wall hanging I designed and made (it took MONTHS to complete),  2nd place for a nuno felted wool and silk chiffon scarf, and third place for a Chanel-style tweed cardigan jacket. Across these three prizes, I was awarded $18. That same year I entered a trench coat I'd made, and didn't receive a prize. For me, the real thrill is seeing something you made featured in the cases, along with many other items from fellow Minnesotans.

Blue Ribbon Winner, 2013
2nd place for this red wool on steel grey chiffon Nuno-felted scarf

Third Place- pink tweed cardigan jacket

My trench coat in the display case at the Fair

Earlier, I entered a big navy wool cardigan I'd knitted for Andy. I don't remember the year- Andy thinks I got an "honorable mention." 

We entered apple sauce twice, one time I know was 2007. We don't make apple sauce the way they like it, so we gave up on that.

There are a number of rules for entry, and the Fair puts out a rule book each year. You need to enter online, then drop off your items during the window. You can only enter one item per classification. This year I entered another cardigan jacket, a wool back-button jacket with roll collar (technically I entered this in the "blazer category" as I'd already entered a jacket), a navy shirtdress and a silk pullover blouse.

I prepared these entries by sewing a name tag inside the garment (they tag entries, but I did this as an added safety) and pressing them.

Getting the entries ready

On the designated drop-off day, you arrive with your entries, which they approve as meeting the criteria for the categories you entered them, and tag them.

The morning the Fair opened, the results were posted online. While I placed in all 4 categories, I was the only entry in one of the categories and only 4 in another.

10 in category

They displayed this backwards- buttons go in back

I returned to pick them up two days after the fair ended. At that time I learned there was no prize money awarded this year due to financial challenges associated with the Covid pandemic. 


I submitted 2 knitting projects. There were many entries and not only did I not win, it was hard to find my items in the packed cases.

The Aran sweater I knit for Will

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