Sunday, October 1, 2023

Another Year of Collaborative Gardening

We ordered seeds this winter from Burpee again, but I don't have a good record as we failed to get a picture and we've already tossed the receipt. With the late spring and busy schedules, we didn't get to planting until June 1. Fortunately Donna and her mom had once again done a tremendous job on growing starters from seed. We did a quick plan, and then got out to the raised beds. There were a ton of weeds to get through first- we want to do a better job of mulching this fall to keep the weeds at bay.

The plan before we got started

The dirty beat up plan (note the updated rows) after planting

So happy to pull weeds
Donna's mom in Iowa started all of our tomato plants from seed, and started a lot of them thinking a number of them wouldn't grow. She ended up with a total of 49 living plants, and planted a number of them in Iowa. We got pounds and pounds, and canned 14 qts over two canning episodes.
Late season harvest
The last of the leeks and celery root

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